Eligere Logo

You have a business idea?

We have the Team, Technology and Tools to convert your idea into a digital product
The next generation ChatGPT powered enterprise assistant for your business →
We are a SOC-2 compliant organisation
This certification provides an assurance of highest global standards of trust and data security to our clients.

We are a tech products studio that is created to bring a product mindset to IT partnerships. We are entrepreneurs who have founded successful tech startups in our previous avatars. We understand business as well as the technology that drives the business.

With Eligere, you get hands-on involvement of experienced team members. Eligere’s Technology, Product, Design and Data Science leadership have an experience of 20+ years each, with companies like Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Thomson Reuters, Spot Inc, NTT Data and various at-scale startups.

Our approach is to understand the business goals and mutually agree on the phase wise milestones and timelines for digital product building. We then deploy whatever resources are needed to deliver against those milestones to ensure that together we can remain focused on the outcomes, rather than on the number of headcounts deployed.

About blurb
Tech Product Studios
The Next Gen of Tech Partnerships

Read more about how a Tech Product Studio acts as a catalyst of innovation in our blog here

The Eligere difference

Traditional IT Outsourcing Model
  • Focused on headcount – Rigidly pre-define the tasks and the number of resources to be deployed for a fixed time period.
  • Disjointed teams – Separate teams working at arms length for UI-UX design, frontend / backend coding, deployment.
  • Build and maintain mindset – the product is expected to be completed as per predefined scope definition, and then maintained under a separate maintenance contact.
  • Junior resources – Entry level engineers deployed, with a task execution mindset.
Eligere Product Partnership
  • Focused on outcome – Mutually agree upon the milestones and deploy whatever resources are needed to achieve those goals.
  • Integrated team – Discovery, design, development and deployment are managed by a close-knit product team.
  • Product versioning mindset – You discover what the user needs as the product gets used and you keep enhancing the product with version releases.
  • Experienced professionals – Senior technologists, product managers and designers bring intellectual rigor to build a scalable product.
We are a team that is passionate about building beautiful, practical digital products that people love.
Eligere's Center of Excellence for Data Science has world class capabilities in Artificial Intelligence. We solve real-world business problems using Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques.


4-step process refined with experience of building best-in-class digital products
Eligere Process

Case study

A leading B2B Leads generation company had millions of sales leads data from thousands of lead generation campaigns. These campaigns were run as a manpower intensive services business.

We built an AI-powered B2B leads generation platform that automates pre-sales campaigns using signals from past sales campaigns.The company transformed from a services business into a B2B SaaS product company, driving 10X more productivity from internal teams.


Transforming the Employee Journey: A Deep Dive into Generative AI Applications in Employee Lifecycle Management

Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) is at the forefront of revolutionizing traditional approaches to employee lifecycle management. From Recruitment to Onboarding, Retention, and Separation, the potential of Generative AI to enhance employee engagement is nothing short of transformative. Let’s explore how Generative AI can play a pivotal role in optimizing each stage of the employee journey.

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A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step
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